1. | 1.1 | Number of Courses offered by the Institution across all programs during the year |
2. | 2.1 | Number of students during the year |
3. | 2.2 | Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt. rule during the year |
4. | 2.3 | Number of outgoing / final year students during the year |
5. | 3.1 |
(a) Number of full time teachers during the year (b) Number of full time teachers who left/joined the Institution during the year |
6. | 3.2 | Number of sanctioned posts during the year |
1. | 1.1.1 | Ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process |
2. | 1.1.2 | The academic calendar including the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation |
3. | 1.1.3 | Teachers of the Institution participate in activities related to curriculum development |
4. | 1.2.1 | Programmes in which CBCS/Elective course has been implemented |
5. | 1.2.2 |
Add on/ certificate programs offered Brochure |
6. | 1.2.3 |
Students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on programs Details of the students enrolled in subjects related to certificate/Add on Programs |
7. | 1.3.1 | Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human values, Environment and Sustainability |
8. | 1.3.2 | Experiential learning through project work/field work/internship |
9. | 1.3.3 | Students undertaking project work/field work/internships |
10. | 1.4.1 |
Feedback System – Feedback Analysis Report Action Taken Report Additional Information |
11. | 1.4.2 | Feedback analysis process of the institution |
1. | 2.1.1 | Number of students enrolled |
2. | 2.1.2 | Seats filled against seats reserved for various categories |
3. | 2.2.1 |
Institution assesses the learning levels of the students Additional Information |
4. | 2.2.2 | Student-Full time teacher ratio |
5. | 2.3.1 | Student centric methods used for enhancing learning experiences |
6. | 2.3.2 | ICT tools used for effective teaching-learning process |
7. | 2.3.3 | Ratio of mentors to students for academic and other related issues |
8. | 2.4.1 | Full time teachers against sanctioned posts |
9. | 2.4.2 | Full Time Teachers with Ph.D./D.M/M.Ch./D.N.B Superspeciality/ D.Sc./ D.Litt. |
10. | 2.4.3 | Teaching experience of full time teachers |
11. | 2.5.1 |
Mechanism of Internal Assessment in terms of frequency & mode Additional Information |
12. | 2.5.2 | Mechanism to deal with internal examination is transparent, time-bound and efficient Report on Parent Teacher Meet |
13. | 2.6.1 | Programme and course outcomes for all programmes |
14. | 2.6.2 | Attainment of programme outcomes & course outcomes evaluated by the institution |
15. | 2.6.3 | Pass percentage of students during the year |
16. | 2.7.1 | Student Satisfaction Survey Report |
1. | 3.1.1 | Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects/endowments |
2. | 3.1.2 | Teachers recognized as research guides |
3. | 3.1.3 |
Departments having research projects funded by government & non government agencies Link to Funding Agency Website |
4. | 3.2.1 | Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations |
5. | 3.2.2 |
Workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, IPR and Entrepreneurship Additional Information |
6. | 3.3.1 | Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher |
7. | 3.3.2 | Number of Research Papers per Teachers in Journals notified on UGC website |
8. | 3.3.3 | Total number of books and chapters |
9. | 3.4.1 | Extension activities in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues |
10. | 3.4.2 | Awards and recognition received for extension activities |
11. | 3.4.3 | Extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution |
12. | 3.4.4 | Students participating in extension activities |
13. | 3.5.1 | Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange, internship |
14. | 3.5.2 | Functional MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. |
1. | 4.1.1 |
Infrastructure and Physical Facilities Details of Infrastructure facilities |
2. | 4.1.2 |
Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities/sports/gymnasium Stock of Sports Department, area of auditorium, gymnasium, report of yoga celebration |
3. | 4.1.3 | Classrooms with ICT facilities (Master Time Table) |
4. | 4.1.4 | Expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation |
5. | 4.2.1 | Integrated Library Management System |
6. | 4.2.2 | Institution has subscription for E-Resources, E-Journals, E-Shodh Sindhu Shodhganga Membership |
7. | 4.2.3 | Expenditure for purchase of books/e-books & subscription to journals/e-journals during the year |
8. | 4.2.4 |
Usage of Library by Teachers and Students |
9. | 4.3.1 | IT Infrastructure |
10. | 4.3.2 |
Summary of IT Infrastructure Number of Computers |
11. | 4.3.3 |
Internet Bandwidth Details of Internet Bandwidth |
12. | 4.4.1 | Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure |
13. | 4.4.2 | System & Procedures for Maintenance and Utilization |
1. | 5.1.1 | Students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the government |
2. | 5.1.2 | Students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the institution/non-government agencies |
3. | 5.1.3 | Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution |
4. | 5.1.4 | Students benefited by guidance for competitive exams and career counselling |
5. | 5.1.5 | Transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances |
6. | 5.2.1 | Placement of outgoing students |
7. | 5.2.2 | Students progressing to higher education |
8. | 5.2.3 | Students qualifying in state/national/international level examinations |
9. | 5.3.1 |
E-copies of Awards and Certificates Additional Information |
10. | 5.3.2 |
Activities of Members of student council Activities of Student representatives (NCC, NSS & Red Ribbon Club) |
11. | 5.3.3 |
Authority Letters Number of sports and cultural events/ competitions |
12. | 5.4.2 | Alumni Contribution |
1. | 6.1.1 | Vision and Mission of the Institution |
2. | 6.1.2 | Effective leadership in various institutional practices |
3. | 6.2.1 | Institutional Strategic/perspective plan is effectively deployed |
4. | 6.2.2 |
Functioning of the institutional bodies Additional Information |
5. | 6.2.3 |
Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation Screenshots of User Inter faces |
6. | 6.3.1 | Welfare measures for Teaching & Non Teaching |
7. | 6.3.2 | Financial support to Teachers |
8. | 6.3.3 | Professional development/administrative training programs for teaching and non-teaching staff |
9. | 6.3.4 | Teachers undergoing online/face-to-face FDP |
10. | 6.3.5 | Institutions Performance Appraisal System for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff |
11. | 6.4.1 | Internal & External Financial Audits |
12. | 6.4.2 | Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropers |
13. | 6.4.3 | Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources |
14. | 6.5.1 | IQAC has contributed for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes |
15. | 6.5.2 |
Academic & Administrative Audit |
16. | 6.5.3 | Quality assurance initiatives of the institution |
1. | 7.1.1 |
(1) Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan (2) Measures initiated for the promotion of gender equity |
2. | 7.1.2 | Facilities for alternate sources of energy |
3. | 7.1.3 |
(1) Facilities for management of waste (2) Facilities for alternate sources of energy pictures |
4. | 7.1.4 | Water conservation facilities available in the Institution |
5. | 7.1.5 |
(1) Green Campus Initiatives (2) Biological Diversity Report |
6. | 7.1.6 |
Quality audits on environment and energy are regularly undertaken by the institution
Internal Audit
7. | 7.1.7 |
The Institution has Divyangjan-friendly, barrier free environment Divyangjan Policy |
8. | 7.1.8 | Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment |
9. | 7.1.9 |
Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations Other Relevant Information |
10. | 7.1.10 |
Policy document for Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics Monitoring Committee Composition and Minutes of Meeting Report on Code of Conduct programmes |
11. | 7.1.11 | Institution celebrates/organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals |
12. | 7.2.1 | Two Best practices implemented by the institution |
13. | 7.3.1 | Institutional Distinctiveness |